I am procrastinating again - taking a break? Not wanting to study.
My Grandpa told me today that procrastination runs in our family, but that it saves stress. Instead of thinking about something for a long time and worrying about it, you only have to work hard and think about it for less time! Here are some quick Updates.
1. It's mothers day!
My mother is awesome. I have a big example to live up to and am very grateful for all the hard work and love she has poured into our family. Just as my mother is awesome, so is my grandma. :) Grandma Margaret is on it! She is really organized and basically everything I want to be. If I could be a laid back version of Grandma Margaret, my mother, and ... mother teresa - that would be insane. That's ok though, I like how God made me and continues to work in my life.
2. Lisie's home!
Lisie came home last week. She is currently sharing a room with me, this morning I filmed her snoring and than woke her up so I could show her the evidence that she snores (sorry lisie!) good times! Also, at church today the speaker talked about hard ware goggles and choosing someone to share the joys and trials in life. Lisie grabbed the notecard and wrote her name and my name by the goggles. Now we are "goggle buddies." She likes to sit close to me because we are "goggle buddies" and demand I"m extra nice to her because we are "goggle buddies," and give into her peer pressure for anything because we are "goggle buddies." She also likes to make goggle sign language whenever I'm in the room. It's nice having Lisie home.
3. Grandpa is preparing me for the mission field!

Found this music video this week - LECRAE dum dum
Also - for the detail oriented...The flight time on the previous post is wrong. I think it's at 4:15 - minor detail.
Happy Mothers Day!!!