Tonight is study night. Tonight is the "Alison you must be productive and study night," And I will go to many different lengths to procrastinate - this is one of them.
Thursday was the vision field trip with kids from Orozco Academy. CPS (Chicago Public Schools) does annual hearing and vision screenings and the kids who failed the vision screening or have broken glasses get the opportunity to visit a free glasses clinic that gives the kids eye exams and free glasses. It is an awesome program. We brought 29 kids and went from room to room with them as they got various parts of the screenings. Jessica (my awesome co worker) took some candid photos BUT because of laws about posting photos of kids that aren't yours on the internet - I am unable to share them. LAME.
Tiredness has also been a theme of the week. My boss told me there's good tired and bad tired but I"ll be tired for the rest of my life. I truly hope this is not true. However, I'm beginning to slightly...somewhat..possibly..understand what grown ups were talking about when they'd refuse to do something fun because of being tired and reply with "I'm old." Goodness. Eclessiastes 12 is what just came to mind.
Ok, as much as I would love to continue with some ramblings - time is passing and seriously, I need to study and do well on the GRE. WOOOOo!!!!!!!!
(I know those exclamation points make it look like I am excited, but looks can be deceiving - to be truthful, those are anti exclamation points and that woo should be ulta de capped) :D
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