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Bolivian meal provided for us by Devon(awesome roommate) while we were making phone calls. That snot looking stuff is SO GOOD |
These past two days have been a whirlwind. We've continued research on International Orphanages and even made some phone calls to Columbia, Ecuador, Belize, Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Paraguay to gain some wisdom on how they run their orphanages and also for any advice they might have in working in the field. Some places were friendly and willing to share information and others were reluctant or even...not very nice.
Tuesday night was my first time attending a homeless ministry in the main plaza. Every Tuesday a few homeless people meet Adrian and a couple volunteers in the plaza for a message from scripture and a meal. I don't quite know how to give an accurate depiction of what it was like - it is the most Christ centered ministry I have seen thus far.
Adrian is a 20 year old Bolivian studying to be a pastor and social worker. He speaks with passion and enthusiasm and uses hand motions to illustrate stories. Adrian sat on his knees facing a line of 7 homeless people and used a small booklet for everyone to follow. His message this Tuesday was about giving - no matter how much you have. He spoke about being thankful for everything you have and would say - who gave you the clothes on your back? And the people would respond - God. Who gave you the health that you Have? God. Who gave you the air you breathe and the life you have? God. He than beautifully illustrated the story in Luke 20:45 about a poor widow who gives all she has.
After the message Adrian paired each volunteer with a homeless individual. We were told to ask what the need that week was and to pray for them. I was paired up with soft spoken man. When I asked what he needed - he began by saying how he has all he needs and everything has been great and he has kids and continued to list things. I repeated what he said and than asked if I could pray for him and looked down to see his hands clasped together. I looked at him awkwardly and said "and can i hold your hand?" I held his hand and we bowed our heads and I prayed. I don't remember everything that I said but I do remember feeling love for this man and so I prayed that he feel love this week. After saying Amen - I realized that this man may have greater faith than I do and that perhaps he could pray for me so I asked him to pray in return. I told him about being far from family and friends and about not really knowing all that I am doing here in Bolivia and so we bowed our heads, held hands, and he prayed for me. Now I don't remember all he said - but it was so sincere. After our prayer he than started to tell me about his needs - he said he has the flu and hasn't been able to get better. I worry about getting the flu here and I have accommodations and medicine - this man has very little.
Once our prayers were done we passed out bread and oatmeal and just talked for a while. I sat down next to a man who was quite and just sat for a while in silence. He was looking away as I spoke with another volunteer and I wondered if he was uncomfortable with this whole situation and what was going through his mind. I gingerly tapped him on the shoulder and asked "What are you thinking?" He smiled some and than said,
"I'm trying to figure out where I am going to sleep tonight, the plaza is taken with protesters"
Me: "Is that where you usually sleep?"
Him: "yes, maybe I can sleep at (random place)"
Me: "And the police here...do they uh.....
Him: "no they don't bother us"
Me: And is there a homeless shelter here in Bolivia that you could stay at?
Him: "no, they don't have that, they should, but they don't."
Wow - how far off I was with what he was thinking. Afterwards Adrian asked if anyone had any questions. One by one they each started asking questions. One man asked what it means to believe in Jesus. Adrian said that anyone can believe in Jesus - he quoted the scripture where it says that even the Devil and his angels believe in God - the difference - is accepting Jesus Christ. I can not remember the last time I have seen someone preach God's word so boldly and genuinely. Eventually, we all said our goodbyes and said see you next Tuesday. I can't wait until next Tuesday.
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Listening to the webinar today |
This blog entry is longer than it should be. I also wanted to share about a webinar we had today with HOPE International on micro finance and orphanages. Perhaps I'll leave that for another day.
Tonight the stars were shining bright and this song popped in my head ...enjoy Yellow - Cold Play
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Backyard. I might be moving next week. Decision will be made tomorrow. I will also be doing laundry early tomorrow morning. Now you have a visual of where I will be. |