It is currently 8:30 a.m. here in Bolivia and I couldn't sleep so I've decided to write in the blog. There is so much dust here that every morning I wake up with puffy eyes and a sore throat, interesting experience.
There is so much going on, that I"m not quite sure what to write.
I"ll begin with a photo from yesterday. It still stands that people steal here - and stories I've heard have kind of discouraged me from taking out my camera so far (whimp) so yesterday I took photos from inside a car and in the nutrition center.

Yesterday we visited the nutrition center again. I walked into the room with the newborns and passed by each crib scared to even touch a baby - I didn't want to harm them, they looked so fragile and teeny tiny. I was telling a worker there that I am scared of holding babies and would walk to each crib..attempt to pick up a child..and than decide against it. The worker told me to sit down and picked up a little girl and placed her in my arms. SO CUTE. I was freaking out inside because her head was so wobbly. As I was getting myself comfortable with her in my arms the intern proceeded to tell me that she is one month and one week old and that she was found in a dumpster as a newborn than taken to a hospital and dropped off at the center. She is abandoned and will remain at the center for 6 months and than be moved into an orphanage in Bolivia. What?? Did I hear that correctly? I could not wrap my mind around this - I've heard stories of this - But I was holding her. I tried to connect it in my head that I was holding a baby girl that was left to die in a dumpster. I am still trying to understand it. I held this baby girl for quite some time, even got comfortable enough to where I could hold her with one arm! FYI/disclaimer - in the photo I had been holding her for a few minutes so that's why it looks awkward.

Today I will be working in the Iteams office (garage office brand new!) to begin research on International Orphanages and businesses that work to sustain them. These next few weeks we will also be interviewing local orphanages, organizations, and businesses to learn more about what is being done here and what the needs of this community are (A needs assessment). I am pumped about the research and interviews. It is crazy because about two weeks ago I was talking with my mom about how I think I might like interviewing people and figuring out the needs of a place more than working in long term ministry and that when I return to the States I might want to explore that avenue of community development. How crazy is it that I will actually be doing that here?
Random photo from the car |
That's all for now. Well, there is more I could add - but I will save that for some other time. I hope you are all doing well. There's a song I heard for the first time last night that I really liked so here is the link
Also, this made me laugh. I translated the blog page from Spanish to Enlgish and it translated the "Pequinito" in my blog name to "wee" This wee little light of mine. In spanish "Pequeno" means small and the "ito" adds it to mean smaller. I suppose that could mean wee. hehe
Alison Garza
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