These missionary families are dangerous.
Makeshift tollway (see shes holding the string) |
This morning we left for a trip to the waterfalls up in the mountains. 45 minutes into the drive and our car dies. It died in the middle of no where - somewhere up in the mountains. The men (2 of them) worked on the engine for quite some time before deciding to tie the two cars together with a rope and drag the dead car to the top of a hill so we could coast and find a nearby town. So we were dragged, untied, and than began our descent down the mountain. We were free rolling! We ended up in a small town where these two ladies had created their own toll system. They tied a small string to a pole and would raise the rope anytime a car would come to pass and charge 1 Boliviano fee for entering their town. There was a real tollway less than a mile down the road, this was just a way to make some money. To make a long story short - we found out that the engine is frozen/broken/no good..super expensive to repair. We were also told it would cost 800 dollars to toll us back to Cochabamba. I don't know how true that is - as foreigners - we tend to be lied to a lot. And as missionary foreigners - they tend to be pretty cheap and resourceful.
The small car towed the big black ford |
So - the decision was made to tie the cars together with a rope and be towed (by the smaller car) back up the mountain until we reached the top and than coast back down to Cochabamba - and than be tied back up again. Does that make sense? Basically it means..."Dangerous situation".
The ascent wasn't too bad because we were going slow and cars would just pass us. The descent though - oh. my. goodness. The descent wouldn't have been so bad if there weren't semis going super slow down the mountains, or windy turns that made it difficult to see oncoming traffic...and maybe...if the car was working, than we could at least step on the gas should a dangerous situation arise. So all that to say - we flew down and passed semis on turns..and I winced and closed my eyes, and held on..and distracted my brain and laughed..and did I mention we were stuffed with 10 people in the car and all the windows were rolled up? So I also held the door open at some points to give the kids some air - my measly muscles almost had the entire door fly open and I could have just popped out (sorry no seatbelts). Once we finally got to Cochabamba we all got dragged up the mountain to our home. To push the car back into the garage we had to put a mattress between the two vehicles and push it back in. Crazy gringos. An entire bus full of Bolivians were watching us.
After that. I slept for a long time. I don't normally nap but I think because I haven't been taking care of my body and drinking water - I was able to sleep for a long time. Than we went to a house for a bonfire and firework party.
Electricity went out at one of the missionaries house |
Fireworks aren't illegal here. They go off at random times and to celebrate pretty much everything. We set off a lot...and they were really close to us. We had to run for cover more than once because they shot off in all different directions. I wish my camera hadn't died because it was priceless seeing the fireworks go off on the ground and seeing everyone scream and run. I now know why fireworks like those are illegal in the States. My fear of fireworks has also vanished.
Tonight I met a very nice Bolivian girl- her name is Elisabeth. She is in High School but came up to us during the firework chaos and started talking and telling me about the family that used to live there. I stood outside and talked with her for a while. At one point she started to tell me about a friend of hers from Canada and tears just started rolling down her face as she described how close they had become and how difficult it has been since her friend returned to Canada. She said it is so difficult when you make friends and they leave. BUT now I am going to be her friend! (and leave...I know...rude..but at least for 6 months) She showed me where she lives...and I'm going to knock on her door someday to get her phone number. Tomorrow I am buying a cell phone!
Trying to figure out the problem |
Found a Mechanic - I went to the bathroom a hole in the ground. Gross. |
Trying to push the car into the driveway |
See the mattress in between the cars? It worked! |
Random Cow - between two roads...random... |
Cochabamba is under that cloud. It is FINALLY raining tonight |
I hope all of your Celebrations were great. Lisie (my younger sister) sent me a photo of her celebration watching fireworks on tv with my dad. hahaha sorry lisie! I mean, she had an AWESOME celebration watching AMAZING fireworks. No - they had a good excuse - they needed rest to go to six flags the next day. I smell popcorn - that's my cue to go. The rains sounds so awesome! It has been so dry here - I literally walked through a dust cloud earlier today.
Let us Love - LIKE WE WERE CHILDREN! (link to song I'm listening to)
Alison Garza
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