Where to begin?
I'll begin with describing where I am. I'm in my room - eating chocolate chips while drinking wine with a desk lamp for light.
Just a few moments ago I took a blast in the past and listened to some of my favorite tunes from the band audio adrenaline. I used to sing some of these songs at the top of my lungs, complete with hand motions (that I made up)and dance moves (equally as coordinated) - just a few paces away in this same bedroom. Years ago. I spent many a time singing and dancing in this room - rock songs, rap songs, love songs, sad songs, and just plain strange songs.
However, the most powerful songs that I've ever danced to or that have come from my lips with everything I have, have been the songs from bands like audio adrenaline, jars of clay, newsboys, and the list goes on. I'm talking about those songs that sing about who God is, who we are in Christ, how much he loves us, or those songs that just give straight up praise to the BIGGEST and the BESTEST. Those songs were the most powerful because the words cut deep into my heart and shaped who I am in Christ. Those songs formed a part of my identity and became my theme songs to life. The world tells me I'm a loser? well "All the losers get a crown." What's that young Alison, feeling pretty down? Well ya "get down, he lifts me up." I took music pretty seriously as a youngin - and I still take music seriously now.
What we listen to, influences us. If I listen to sad sappy music, I am going to feel sad and sappy. I know what music to turn on if I want to cry. So one of those things that I have been focusing on lately is filling my ears with that good stuff that will make me into who God wants me to be.
Here's a good idea - turn on those blast from the past, spiritual formation tunes ,that rock you to your core and tell you how beautiful you are in Christ. May I just say? You're a pretty gorgeous human being and no matter who you are, what you've done, or where you have been, God loves you - forgives you - and has his arms open ready to be there with you forever and always. What more could we ask for?
So here is one of those songs I used to sing without holding anything back, and it still rings true. That part that says "love conquers all" I used to rewind and replay over and over and over. I'm also adding photos from today's snow storm and workouts! ;)
We saw 7 deer at once! |
Pretty drive |
lil Bolivian doll - Bolivia remains on my heart |
check out my new earring collection |
My brother, Eddy, out in the snow taking photos |
TRUTH - Ecc 8:5 |
Amazing BIG trees |
Eddy took a photo of me in the snow |
Hillsong has a new cd out! Oceans is a beautiful song |
It was so pretty driving through, had to stop to take a picture of it all |

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