I will say though, the good part about taking all of that "what in the world am I here for" questions seriously, and frantically searching for answers, is that you meet tons of people and gain a bit of wisdom along the way, so that when the times really comes to make decisions, you already know what to do.
You take the next best step.
Sounds so ambiguous right? That's what I thought when listening to a sermon on Moody a few months back. Ok. So - How do you know what the next best step is? How do you know it's the right next best step? What if that next best step leads me to a place I don't want to be, can I backtrack on that step? a couple of steps? You get the idea right. Worry.
I've been learning though, worrying, is really a lack of trust.
Taking the next best step isn't ambiguous when our heart is literally and seriously aligned with scriptures, and all that God is, and who he has created us to be. God makes promises in that thing we call a bible, and God calls us to live a certain way. And God still leads us today.
So here is a recap of conversations, sermons, books, and thoughts that have penetrated my heart these past few months.
1. Draw near to God and he will draw close to you. (James 4:8)
2. Check your motives, reasoning, thoughts, and desires - do they align with scriptures? If not - OUCH, and pray for forgiveness, guidance, help, tons of help. tons. Repeat.
3. Ask God to reveal who you are to the core, and pay attention to what is going on around you, friends and family, all that good stuff. (psalm 139)
4. Pay attention to what makes your heart beat faster, what gives you a rush of joy and makes you happy? Analyze that. Porque. (why?)
5. Seek Wise Counsel. (Proverbs 11:14) Ask others to meet with you, don't be scared, and open up, and listen. Keep your mouth shut and use discernment on what they are saying if it is right and true. The shut up part is important.
6. Pray always - continually - all the time - wherever you are - be thankful always - just cause. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)
7. Trust God - Really. If things aren't going your way, don't force it. Unless it is so wrong that you are convicted and have the urge to act right away! (like something unjust) (Proverbs 3:5-6)
8. Be still. (Be still and know that I am God) Let God be God in your life. Rest in his promises. (Psalm 46:10)
9. Be Patient. God is always working. (Romans 8:28)
10. Be courageous and take a chance with something, be proactive. While there is wisdom in waiting and being patient, there is also wisdom in not justifying laziness. We aren't robots, sometimes we have to do stuff to make things happen too. (little faithfulness, much will be rewarded - luke 16:10) (Joshua 1:9)
11. God loves everyone. EVERYONE. And created everyone. So. Everyone is pretty cool. It's not cool to not like people, even if they hurt you. Goes along with that mantra..hate the sin, love the sinner. We're all sinners though, and all fall short. So love yourself too. (John 3:16)
12. Prepare - prepare your heart, prepare your mind, prepare your life for God to rock it. (Job 11:13)
13. We're all human. We all make mistakes. Don't put Godly expectations on people because they will let you down and than you become cynical and judgmental Accept others, gently direct, show mercy so that God can show you mercy because God knows we all need it. TONS. (Romans 3:23) and (Mathew 5:7)
14. Um...Repent. Really. My friend once explained to me the difference between sinning repeatedly and repenting. Repenting means turning from it and doing whatever it takes to stop sinning. so..really...mean it and take steps to avoid wrong-doing. We will fail, but honestly trying is better than not trying at all. (Psalm 25)
15. Live in the present - Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. If we look to the past, we get trapped, if we look to the future, we miss the gifts of today. (Mathew 6:34)
16. Love. LOVE hard. don't be so concerned with yourself, concern yourself with others. Often times love can guide you places you never would have gone before. disclaimer: Love hurts. When you love you open yourself up to engage in another's pain - so make sure you got your life line connected to Jesus for some one on one healing time too....(Mathew 22:27-39)
I don't think life comes down to a formula or even steps to be the best person ever, really it all comes down to love. Anyways...I could be wrong on some of these, but they're points that have slowly been engraved in my heart these past few months after spending time abroad, having my heart broken by many different things, and in forming new friendships with amazing people who have spoken into my life through their own stories, advice, or actions.
All this to say. I'm making a big decision over these next 2 weeks. But all the stuff listed above has really helped me to understand that God is in control, so why worry? Please pray for me. I need it.
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took this yesterday while driving, clouds always moving, so pretty |
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Do everything you want to do!! (with wisdom) Ecc 11:9 |
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mama!! before going to the gym...yipee! she comes home in two hours to go with me today |
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Skyping a friend, Oscar, In Bolivia...technology is amazing. |
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hahahahaha sorry mom. I caught her by surprise and laughed so hard after, wish I had video of it. |
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