I saw the ocean.
It was HUGE. I saw it last night. And it was enough to make me jump up and down like a little kid. I couldn't help the excitement that overtook me as it sunk in. "I"M SO SMALL," I repeated to my roommate more than once, because really, it was incredible. I kept picturing a world map and a little speck showing where we were on that map, on the edge of it all. And than I pictured those national geographic sea monsters that swim deep in the oceans and marveled at how they were out there doing their thing deep deep down in that ocean. The stars were shining brightly over the darkness - it was all so BIG and I was so SMALL. It really left no doubts about who is control. This is my new home. There was inexplicable joy and excitement at the prospect of living in this place and doing life here. Even with all the unknowns.
Tonight I have this song on repeat
Its a song I posted last December after hearing the kids living in prison sing it. They sang it all the time. "Creere" = "I will be believe" "Confia" = TRUST.
I will believe that there is a bigger picture. There is a purpose for each of us. There is a God who loves this hurting world and He is calling us as Christ followers to love with what we've been given. When I am weak, than I am strong. God is good, and no purpose of his can be thwarted.
Then Job replied to the Lord,
I know you can do all things; no plan of your can be thwarted. You asked, "Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?"
Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.
Job - 42:1-3
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