September 11, 2022
Three years later - seems like a fitting time to write once more. I suppose this blog will be closing.
Tonight I find myself in Costa Rica - writing by candlelight with decaf tea.
My days are filled with the mundane - dishes, cleaning constant messes and the phrase "use your words" to an upset toddler. I have a newborn who demands more attention than I know what to do with. I honestly don't know how much of it is her personality and how much is her treatment for clubfoot.
Every afternoon it rains here. We bought a couch, a coffee table, and a car. A rocking chair too. I have gone through a frenzy and purchased enough books to keep me busy for the next two years at least. I justified it in telling Michael that to be a real author I need to read more.
I attended a writers conference in Colorado when our baby was all but 8 weeks old. I was told, you need a real landing page, you need to have people interested in your writing (they say) in order to even be considered by a publisher. So. I have a new domain. I can't promise as much fun, stream of consciousness, rambling, as this blog has provided. Perhaps I care too much these days and will have to make everything sound official. Like I have things figured out. I hope not and I hope it'll be worth it.
This song made me cry today.
"For Christ abides with me
He's closer than a friend
He takes the wary by the hand
And says, "come abide with me.'"
Without thinking too deeply on why it had such an impact on me tonight. I haven't had time to sit and process much of all the recent happenings, and it hit the nail on its head with these questions running around in the outbacks of my mind. God, where are you? God, can I do this? God, do you see us? God, why is there so much pain in this world and why do my littles have to learn of it too?
Heavenly Places. There are such heavenly places.
So. Signing off before I stream of conscious a bit too much. This space has been fun. I'll miss this space. This pequenito light of mine. Full circle - back in a Spanish speaking country. Ready to start to blog once more. Follow me here:
Grace & Peace,
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