Tuesday, April 2, 2013

7 virtues for moral excellence, according to 17 year old me

In 11th grade we were asked to write a paper on Benjamin Franklin's desire to attain moral perfection. Here is the list of virtues that I felt I lacked and wrote within the paper - complete with my own 11th grade definition, which I explained, applied to my personal weaknesses.

1. Wisdom

To have good judgement in everything you do.  To understand the people and events that occur around you.

2.  Orderliness

To have everything put in its place.  Have a sense of order by scheduling events accordingly.  Organization. (Still trying to master this one)

3.  Self - Discipline

Finish tasks without reward.  Accomplish tasks in a timely manner.

4.  Confidence

Do not doubt your capabilities.  Complete tasks with assurance.

5.  Acceptance

Accept things or occurrences for what they are.  Do not focus on what has been done (the past) but instead, acknowledge it, and move on.

6.  Perseverance

Complete tasks with 100 percent effort.  Determination leads to success.  Never give up.

7.  Generosity

Give to others with an open heart.  Spend time with those who are lonely.

The essay was complete with a daily schedule outlining how I would attain these virtues over the next year.  Did it work?  No clue.  I am still working on most of these, if not all, to be honest, so it was interesting to have that little flash back.  I would say that the difference from the 17 year old Alison, and the 25 year old one - is that now I see how much God is needed to attain these virtues.  Tons!  100 percent.

What would be the virtues I would outline today?  That's something I might ponder before going to bed tonight.  I've got to go work on that orderliness part right now and finish folding laundry.....I just wanted to write about this paper before I toss it forever, I almost made my mom cry with all the writings and things I am tossing from my child hood.  It's gotta go sometime! Oh, and she was crying with joy - because my mom is super clean - I need major effort to make orderliness happen, that is just a gene I missed and I've learned to accept, so with perseverance I keep on cleaning and give away my things with generosity, because wisdom tells me that orderliness is necessary and I have the confidence that I will attain it!  (i just wanted to try and use all the virtues in a sentence)

Hope you are all having a great week wherever you may be, whoever you may be.  :)

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