Monday, October 29, 2012

Energy drink, Yes Please

My heart is racing.

I gave in today, and I bought an energy drink.  You see - for the remaining hours of the day, I have to be productive.

Today we had the bible study at the prison, and I was so tired that I was yawning as a very nice woman was telling me more of her story.  HOW RUDE.  I apologized a lot and on the way home bought an energy drink.  :)

So now my heart is racing and I am ready to begin graduate school applications.

Lets see if this energy drink gets the creative juice flowing!!!!

Don't know where I'll be next year, but I do know Where I Belong - Switchfoot

Dia de Los Muertos is this upcoming Friday - it is when they bring food to the dead.  Should be interesting to see....and eat.  Just kidding!

Alison Garza

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