Monday, October 1, 2012

Fireworks and Lukewarm

This is the firework that set our neighbors yard on fire a couple weeks ago....BIG

Also:  I am currently watching this by Francis Chan - I am not sure if it is 100% good because I just started watching it.  But the beginning has been good.

Two of my friends today told me how much they live on - I did the math - they are living on a dollar a day - and they don't consider it weird or strange - what they consider strange is how much missionaries have budgeted.


If you don't have time to watch the message ...

Watch this clip Balance Beam - "WELL DONE"
I remember seeing it years ago and it left an impact on me

1 comment:

  1. Francis Chan speaks God's Truth in love. His messages remind us of what is truly important in this life. Thanks for sharing that clip with us. it explains a lot of why you are where you are right now. Living life, loving God and loving others.


Thank so much! I really appreciate your comment!