Monday, October 1, 2012

Female Prison

Today was my first visit inside the female prison for a bible study.  The prison system here is very different.  Inside it's like its' own little town.  You go past the guards (who have to feel you up quickly), and enter into an open room with clothes hanging all over above and people busily running around.  There are many woman sitting at tables talking to visitors and friends and others selling things they've made.  There are some kids running around - it looks like chaos. 

The lady I was with handed a guard a list of names - the names were called over a loudspeaker - and slowly woman entered into a small room to sit with us.  One woman was concerned because her little boy (younger than 7) had cuts on his face and wanted to talk with someone about where they came from.  

Different words were shared about having peace and joy in Christ and than - caught off guard - "and this is Alison who is going to share with you a little about herself"

Think fast - think fast - how do I present myself to this group?  It was nerve racking.  I don't remember all that was said, just that I am here in Bolivia, don't have many friends (ok so I have a few) and that if they open their hearts to me I will open mine.  I felt compelled to say that because some had stone hard faces as I talked but it seemed a few had compassion on me.  There was one woman in particular who afterwards came up to me and apologized for leaving early but said it was nice to meet me.  The lady in charge added that I like to play soccer - CLAP - the largest woman in the room got excited. 

Later that woman ran and got the director of sports in the prison - they want me to join in on their soccer games and perhaps teach some lessons.  I asked where they play soccer - well inside the jail of course - all the tables are moved aside and right there they have their own soccer games.  Now the director was speaking fast, and I didn't quite understand all that was said, but this Thursday when I return to the prison we will talk more about this possibility.  

Other than this experience today - there have been small things happening that are pretty cool.  While walking around town I often run into people from the Tuesday night ministry (bible study with homeless). "Tuesday, Tuesday" they always say.  One time I was passing by in a trufi and yelled out the window to a lady - "MIRIAM!"  waving vigorously - "Tuesday, you'll be there Tuesday right?" She yelled back.  Tomorrow is Tuesday and I am excited to gather again as a group.

I wish you all the best in everything you do.  Sleep well - hope to update again soon!

Alison Garza

The male prison..the female prison is just around the corner to the left.  To the right is the Casa de Amistad where the kids go during the day

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