Monday, September 21, 2015

Goodbye Head Lice

This update will be quick, and not so beautifully written - but I feel it is important to write this evening because - it is my last evening in Turkey!

Tomorrow evening I will fly to India.  Can I just say wow.  WOW.

Life has been crazy.  Over the last two weeks I traveled to 5 different European countries and saw some beautiful things while processing a lot of what has been happening.  I even had a 10 hour train ride, and you think that would be a good chunk of time to become bored - but I had so much on my mind that it wasn't even enough time and by the end of the trip I hoped I had more time to be still.

I am waking up super early to pack.  I am not excited to pack, never have been.  It is not a skill I have.

I think it is noteworthy to say that I had head lice over the past few days.  That is right, little bugs crawling in my hair and eggs ALL over. It was not the best thing to happen on this trip.  Let me tell you though, God cares about me and another friend, because we were not alone, we both had the little critters in our hair and as we were quarantined - we spent days together.  With murderous agility, we went through one another's hair to kill all the eggs!  Hours, I have spent well over 15 hours going through hair over the past few days.  In fact that is nearly all we have done, as we have enjoyed our last days together, we have formed a licting bond. (get it? like "lasting" bond - but I made a pun).  That's right, got my master degree now, see what I can do with language now!?

It is quite hilarious when you think about it.  We have had "phases" of ridding the eggs - one of which was covering our hair completely in olive oil and leaving it in for the night while sleeping with "shower caps" (which we couldn't find and were actually food coverings) and tshirts wrapped over our hair.  My blanket that night was a towel so that we didn't infect anything.  Comments were thrown around like, "Wow Alison, your roots look just like an egg, did you know that!"   I have four white hairs, and when you think about it - it's quite amazing that God knows the number of hairs on our head because THERE ARE A LOT.

Today we did my last check late at night, and am happy to report, no eggs were found.  Which is great considering the fact that today we visited the family I most likely got them from to say goodbye and to my absolute horror, the kids placed a hat on my head within 5 minutes of sitting down.  All I could do was make a silly face, smile, and discreetly take it off my head.  What are the odds?  We have learned though, that sometimes, it is more important to love then to care about silly things like bugs in your hair.  I am so glad we visited them, it was a special time.   I will post photos and video later if possible.  For now, I must go to sleep.  Much to be done in a short time.

Happy to report that discernment is happening, my heart is happy, and my trust is growing as I spend more time learning about the ways that God works in the world.  I can feel this heart being molded, and sometimes it hurts, but most times its good.

Have a wonderful week - do not take healthy for granted either!! Forgot to mention that I spent a day very sick in Greece too, it was not fun.  I am still taking antibiotics over 10 days later to rid the illness.  Start taking my malaria pills tomorrow!!  So...yes - if you are reading this, and feel good - for me, and the others who are reading this and don't feel so swell - please, do something active for us.  :)

Also - if you are thinking that this update is a good justification for your avoidance of travels or takings some risks in life - I disagree with you - and can tell you firsthand that it is worth it.  The joy outweighs the pain by a long shot.  Perspective.

Miss the fam!



  1. You are very courageous and are a natural, born writer! ♡♡♡

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