Friday, February 8, 2013

Sleeper Anonymous

God’s been answering some prayers lately – but it involves interrupting my sleep patterns.

What were my sleep patterns? – sleeping whenever given a chance – at night, through the morning, mid day nap, evening nap, in the car, at the mall, in public places, on the computer, etc.

I have never slept so much in my entire life.  It got to the point that I avoided reading proverbs because of the overwhelming conviction from reading the verses connecting sleep with poverty.

So. This is my sleep anonymous entry.

My name is Alison Garza and I am a sleepaholic.  When I first arrived home it was ok.  Someone told me that I was just catching up on all the sleep missed in Bolivia and my body is overloaded with sensory stuff.   Ok ok I’d say, and use it to justifyingly hop into bed again.  But way too much time has passed to justify it now.  So I am confessing my ways and saying my prayers.  

The first answer to prayer in this arena occurred two days ago. “Oh God, please help me,” is all I said as I pulled my sheets up over my shoulders at 2:30 p.m.  I prayed this because I really wanted a nap but knew it wasn't the best thing.  IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING, I received a text.

 “So I was reading my bible today and guess what verse came up?"

"Which one?" I said 

"In proverbs 6. a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands, the one we joked about yesterday."  It continues - and poverty will come on you like a thief...

No sleep prompt # 1 had hit.  I said thanks to God and decided to read in bed instead - unfortunately I fell asleep while reading.  Fail.  Good thing God is full of grace which leads to...

No Sleep prompt #2

Recently it has come to my attention that the OH SO DESIRED woman of proverbs 31 barely sleeps, she’s a hard worker and really busy, and I am kind of single, and some day will need to be someone’s wife.  Maybe. But in the small chance that it happens, I’m going to want to be the best wife I can be, naturally.  Who doesn't want to be a virtuous and capable wife and better than all the other woman?  So I also have been praying to be that woman.

This morning Jesus woke me up at 6 a.m. -  even though I have nothing to go to or do (kind of) and could sleep in (for as long as I want). However, I knew from the moment I opened my eyes that God woke me up to start my work as a proverbs 31 woman

What is a modern day proverbs 31 woman to do, my heart asked my mind?  I scratched my head and begrudgingly put on warm clothes, glasses, hat, and boots and walked outside to shovel snow.  I figured that is something that a modern day proverbs 31 woman would do because it involves hard work.  Small steps my anonymous friends, small steps.  

So, for all you doubters out there. God answers prayers, even those tiny ones that we think can be pretty ridiculous.  It happens, little by little, you'll see.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.  Reward her for all she has done.  Let her deeds publicly declare her praise."  Proverbs 31:30-31

This man inspired me.  He struggled to get on that treadmill with his cane - look closely and you an see it on his right.

Grandma and Grandpa with their Manos De Libertad items :)

The snow this morning

Out bright n early in my pajama pants to shovel that snow

Attempting to finish those essays.  Almost done.

This continues to be a daily routine with Mom.  She has now increased her number of sit ups.  PROUD

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