Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mini Update: keepin' it realz

These upcoming weeks are going to fly by! There is so much to get done at home and at work and so many people to see.  I should be overwhelmed, but instead I am super excited, I want to enjoy every moment of it; I hope it goes slooooowlllly.  

On May 23rd I will retake the GRE, and studying is a MUST.  I've taken it twice (not proud) and done ok on the exam.  While many schools say the score isn't that important on their websites - I've talked to enough admission advisers to know that the score matters and does determine acceptances and scholarships.  I've also seen my dedicated co worker study hard core for the GRE and do well - she's my inspiration (*cough* Jessica *cough*)

In other news - my room is a mess.  So it is time to clean.  My mom told me yesterday, "Alison, you are not aloud to have a messy AND dirty room, this is completely unacceptable."  The messy stands for the clothes, papers, books, and random things laying around; the dirty stand for the dried, footprint shaped dirt marks that were lying on my floor.  I had forgotten that my shoes had dried up dirt on them before placing them on my feet and walking around the room.  Yes, I looked back and was concerned - but at the time I was running late for work so I made a mental note to clean it later, took off my shoes, and put them back on by the door before leaving for work.  Time passed quickly and a few days went by before I was able to vacuum it.  Really not a necessary story to share - but little details like these make living at home fun.  :) For me and my parents.

Before I get to cleaning:  Here's a song to listen to:


Alison Garza

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