Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No more Coca Cola in Bolivia - whhhhhattttt?

December 21, 2012 is my return flight to the States.  December 21 is also the last day on the Mayan Calender.  December 21 is now officially an end to Coca Cola in Bolivia.  As I heard another missionary put it, "Could this be what the Mayans were predicting?"  Check out this article.  End of Capitalism - Bolivia to expel Coca - Cola.  Jessica just read this article to me a few hours ago - for those who are not willing to read it here is the recap.

1. Bolivia's president doesn't really like Americans
2. Bolivia's president REALLY doesn't like Americans
3.  Coca Cola is American. 
4.  Coca Cola is EVERYWHERE in Bolivia - you can not go anywhere without seeing it or drinking or seeing someone drinking it.  I would even go so far to say that Bolivians drink coke more often than they drink water.  (I could be wrong - *disclaimer)
5.  Therefore, Coca Cola is American Capitalism and to end this world of Capitalism - figuratively - the drink will be band on December 21, 2012.

One thing I have neglected to blog about is the growing animosity between the Bolivian and American government.  Things aren't so smooth - not like bread and butter - not even honey and mustard - it's pretty bad.  I never thought coming to South America that I would be discriminated against.  It is nothing in comparison to what some people face, but there are small moments or instances when it is very real here.

All that to say - I'm safe, some people just don't like us Americans, but generally people are very nice once you initiate a conversation.  Not only am I an ambassador to Christ during my time here, but I am also an American ambassador - a job I take seriously.  Finally to end today's entry.  HAPPY AUGUST!

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