Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dead animals hanging from the ceiling


Last night we did the homeless ministry in the plaza.  Afterwards we spend time with the people.  I spent time with an elderly woman named Mercedes.  Mercedes carries around her belongings everyday – about 4 bags full.  One of the large bags has her sleeping gear and a big long stick.  I asked what the stick was for and she said it is used to scare away the big stray dogs at night that try and bother her.  She goes to bed every night at 1 a.m. and wakes up at about 10 a.m.  After the ministry I walked her to a spot near garbage cans with all of her stuff and she said it was time for her to collect newspapers, it was 9 o clock at night.  Mercedes asked for prayer regarding her health, her head hurts all the time and her bones ache.  She said her eyes are also very blurry and it is hard to see.  So I’m sharing her prayers here in case any of you could take time and pray for Mercedes.  Thank you.

These past few days I have had to make a couple trips to “la concha” for various things.  The concha is the biggest open air market in South America.  It is like a walmart or target but way bigger and with hundreds of workers.  At the Concha you can find – literally – and I mean literally – anything you need.  Toiletries, all types of meat - including intestines, any food, clothes, people that will fix your clothes with a sewing machine or iron your clothes, furniture, pets, witchcraft, car parts, house parts, anything you can think of –it is there.  Each part is separated by sections, and each section has its own distinct smell. 

Last week we had a goodbye party for a friend and had to buy a bunch of food – so when we got meat, for example –the woman took a slab of cow, fat and bones attached and all and began cutting away at it.  Quite disgusting and really makes the connection between where your food comes from easier to understand.  I remember distinctly watching her cut the slab while a guy with a wheel barrel full of slimy, slippery, wobbly, animal intestines rush by as blood would splash to the ground.  “hm, this is different,” is all I could think.  That and, “my mom would be so proud of me.”

Yesterday when I was in the Concha I walked through the witchcraft section.  It was DISGUSTING.  There were people doing fortunes and there was also a part with money set up on tiny offering type things.  But the most nasty, most deplorable thing was that when you looked up – you could see dead baby animals hanging from their neck.  I mean, literally dead and dried up, sheep, dog, and cat, and other animals but I chose not to look.  After observing, quite quickly, I walked SO FAST past it all, ew.  When I first saw the animals hanging, I literally stopped in my tracks with my jaw dropped.  I know, I know, culturally insensitive – but seriously, WOW, I was not expecting that by any means.  The best part is – I was on my way to eat lunch.

Other than the concha experiences, life has been interesting.  I locked myself out my room the other day so I went to buy a new door handle (there was no key to the door) which we successfully installed.  We had a going away party for a friend from Switzerland which I will add some photos and attempt at a video.  We have visited the kids and I want to pause real fast to ask for your prayers in this area.  The kids’ future is uncertain and please pray that God will protect them and be with them as some large decisions are made surrounding their current circumstances and future.

This past weekend I attended a woman’s retreat.  It was for married woman but we were invited anyways.  We had 3 sessions a day on various topics.  I learned a lot.  Mainly that life is hard, and troubles will come our way, but that God is faithful through it all.  I also learned more about the struggles and joys of marriage – which is all confidential.  ;)  Seriously though, single or married, life will be hard, and I was advised not to fret, that God has a purpose and a will for our lives whether single or married or widowed.  There is a time for everything.

This afternoon I will be going over to a friends house for a girls day – or whatever you call it.  Devon invited over some Bolivian friends from church to make some food and celebrate a birthday.  I hope that you all have a wonderful day.

Alison Garza


We made food, I learned how to cut onions like a Bolivian!
look mah, i'm learning to cook and serve

dancing to gansta christian music

Made my first fire with Tee!!

I remembered Dave Benedeck waving papers over the fire for oxygen, so I did it, and it worked!

Tee and Gabby, Gabby spilled juice all over her shirt

One of her brothers dressed her, cute

The going away party for Murielle from Switzerland

Every Saturday we place soccer or footsol here

Tee working on the fire

Tee sleeping at womans retreat
Womans Retreat

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