Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 LET'S GO!

Before leaving Cochabamba, I began to read a book called Re-Entry by Peter Jordan.  The book is written for missionaries returning to life in the States after short term or long term service.  Peter talked about the importance of closure - understanding that your time there is over and not spending all of your time and energy reminiscing and missing everything and everyone.  Basically - live in the present.

working out with mom
I've been living in the present for the past two weeks.  However, my present life is pretty mundane.  The highlight of my day is when my mom gets home from work and we workout.  The highlight of my week is church.  I sleep a lot and go to the kitchen at least ten times a day.  I have no job and my friends all live far away - or work.  Sounds like depression?  It's not.  I'll think of a word and get back to you.

With that being said, I seriously considered retiring in the blog world.  With nothing interesting to write about who would really want to read about it?

Well we will find out.  So today begins my first blog entry for 2013.  This is what I know about the future year:  Nothing.  2013 is a clean slate and a new year full of growth and adventures.  I have a feeling that God isn't done working in me yet, he never fails to surprise me.

So...lets do this.  Lets keep moving forward - step by step.

Alison Garza

New Years with Lisie - London fireworks - crazy
Here is the link to watch them - fireworks

culture shock:  Thai buffet


  1. Seriously? I didn't realize that it was the highlight of YOUR day. I will try to act more excited tomorrow!

    1. MOM look!!!! You look bigger in that picture (no offense). You've made progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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